
i am going to drink the rest of this liquor. “haunting” is published by Red Prochaska.


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Coming full circle

I used to write decades ago. Poetry, short stories, any kind of writing I would attempt to take on. I left writing behind and went about things in life like anyone who is just trying to make a living. I forgot what brought me joy, I forgot what writing meant to me.

I find myself in my 30’s with poor health both physically and mentally. I find myself questioning the purpose of life. This is an attempt to revisit my previous joy, to find satisfaction in living again.

I will be writing a lot about daily life, I will also find inspiration from writing prompts. I honestly don’t have a goal here, I am just testing what I need in my life because something is missing.

This is an attempt and I intend to make the most of it, writing daily if all possible.

My favorite quote is “It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop” I believe that deeply and will apply it here as well as all areas of my life.

Here we go.


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